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作者:澳门尼威斯人516    日期:2023-12-07    阅读( )
本文摘要:Elon Musk, head of Tesla Motors, has sketched out a lofty and futuristic vision for his electric car company, as he sought to regain the initiative after recent setbacks to some of his most ambitious plans.特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)董事长埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk)为其电动汽车公司勾勒了崇高而充满著未来色彩的图景。

Elon Musk, head of Tesla Motors, has sketched out a lofty and futuristic vision for his electric car company, as he sought to regain the initiative after recent setbacks to some of his most ambitious plans.特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)董事长埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk)为其电动汽车公司勾勒了崇高而充满著未来色彩的图景。在部分最大胆计划近期遭遇挫折之后,他企图借此举新的取得主动性。

Writing on his company’s blog, Mr Musk on Wednesday laid out what he described as an update to the Tesla “master plan” he first published 10 years ago. It will involve Tesla expanding to make a full range of electric cars, buses and trucks, as well as a smartphone app through which Tesla owners will one day earn money by renting out their self-driving cars.周三,马斯克在其公司博客上所列了他称作特斯拉“总体规划”更新版的内容。特斯拉“总体规划”由他首次于十年前公布。这一更新版将令特斯拉向生产电动汽车、电动公交和电动卡车全系列产品扩展,还包括一个智能手机应用于,特斯拉汽车所有者将从某日起可以通过该应用于租赁其自动驾驶汽车赚。

Though much of the plan was vague, echoing Mr Musk’s habit of teasing new ideas long before they come into production, he did reveal that Tesla was in the “early stages of development” on heavy-duty trucks and a new form of “high passenger-density urban transport”, with both likely to be unveiled next year.该计划多数内容仍过于具体,再现了马斯克不会将新创意抹黑许久再行投入生产的习惯。尽管如此,他显然透露特斯拉正处于“研发”重型卡车和一种新形式“低乘客密度市政交通工具的早期阶段”,两者都有可能于明年发布。

With its characteristic mix of vagueness, ambition and self-defensiveness, Mr Musk’s sketch for a 10-year plan looked set to draw a sceptical reaction at a time when Tesla is facing mounting challenges.马斯克行文的特色是将含糊不清、野心勃勃和自我牵制混为一炉,在这个特斯拉面对挑战更加大的时节,他对十年计划的刻画或许预见不会引发人们的猜测。“As is typical, Elon Musk has laid out a grandiose plan for the future with no time frames and few specifics, and no mention of how and when Tesla will be profitable,” said Michelle Krebs, senior analyst at Autotrader, a US car magazine.美国汽车杂志Autotrader高级分析师米歇尔克雷布斯(Michelle Krebs)回应:“和整天一样,埃隆马斯克排泄了宏大的计划,却没所列时间表和得出多少明确细节,也没有提及特斯拉将如何盈利及何时盈利。

”Wednesday’s blog post came a month after Mr Musk ran into a wall of scepticism with an offer to buy SolarCity, the solar panel installation company of which he is chairman, for Tesla stock worth up to $3bn. Investors worried it would distract the company at a critical time, as it struggles to fix nagging production problems and accelerate a move to mass production of its next vehicle, the Model 3, by two years.就在周三的博客文章收到一个月前,马斯克曾明确提出以价值总计30亿美元的特斯拉股票并购SolarCity的并购契约,引发了许多人的猜测。SolarCity是一家太阳能电池板安装公司,马斯克是该公司董事长。

投资者担忧,在特斯拉极力避免持续大大的生产问题并加快向上一款车型Model 3的大规模生产转型之际,马斯克此举不会在关键时期把该公司注意力集中两年时间。



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