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“澳门尼威斯人516”11岁小女孩成顶尖科学家 她的发明造福世界
作者:澳门尼威斯人516    日期:2024-04-25    阅读( )
本文摘要:A schoolgirl aged 11 has been honoured as Americas top young scientist for inventing a quick, low-cost test to detect lead-contaminated water.一名11岁的女学生因发明者了一个较慢、廉价测试铅污染水的方法,而被誉为“美国顶尖青年科学家”。

A schoolgirl aged 11 has been honoured as Americas top young scientist for inventing a quick, low-cost test to detect lead-contaminated water.一名11岁的女学生因发明者了一个较慢、廉价测试铅污染水的方法,而被誉为“美国顶尖青年科学家”。Gitanjali Rao was selected from 10 finalists who had spent three months collaborating with scientists to develop their ideas.Gitanjali Rao就是指10名参与决赛的运动员们中被投票决定来的,他们花上了三个月的时间与科学家们展开合作,来构建自己的点子。

Her device uses carbon nanotubes to detect the presence of lead. Thousands of US water systems are reportedly contaminated by lead.她的设备用于了碳纳米管来检测铅的不存在。据报导,数千个美国供水系统都有铅污染的问题。Gitanjalis invention was inspired by the scandal in Flint, Michigan, where officials are facing charges, she told Business Insider.Gitanjali向《商业内幕》透漏,她的发明者是受到了密歇根弗林特市丑闻的灵感,该地的官员们于是以面对着指控。

Until now, testing reliably for lead was expensive and meant sending away samples for analysis.到现在为止,要想要精确可信地检测到铅的不存在,这都是十分便宜的,同时这也意味著要发送到样品,以用作分析。But Gitanjalis portable invention allows a sensor linked to a mobile app to give an accurate, almost immediate analysis.但是Gitanjali的便携发明者,可以通过一个与手机app相连的传感器,就得出结论一个清楚、及时的分析。

Gitanjali said she wanted to further refine the device so it could eventually go on the market.Gitanjali回应,她想更进一步提高改为设备,这样它最后就能转入市场了。Gitanjali won a $25,000 prize for scooping the top award.Gitanjali因为夺下了本次最低奖项,从而取得了一笔2.5万美元的奖金。



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