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作者:澳门尼威斯人516    日期:2024-04-22    阅读( )
本文摘要:A French government report omitted significant details of how Renault’s diesel cars were able to emit fewer deadly gasses when subject to official emissions testing, members of the state inquiry told the Financial Times.法国政府调查委员会的成员对英国《金融时报》回应,法国政府的一份报告遗漏了雷诺(Renault)柴油车在拒绝接受官方废气检测时怎么会废气较较少剧毒尾气的最重要细节。

A French government report omitted significant details of how Renault’s diesel cars were able to emit fewer deadly gasses when subject to official emissions testing, members of the state inquiry told the Financial Times.法国政府调查委员会的成员对英国《金融时报》回应,法国政府的一份报告遗漏了雷诺(Renault)柴油车在拒绝接受官方废气检测时怎么会废气较较少剧毒尾气的最重要细节。The inquiry’s report, published last month, found some models emitted nitrogen oxides — a cause of respiratory diseases linked to early death — at levels nine to 11 times higher than EU limits.该调查委员会上月发布的调查报告找到,雷诺部分车型废气的氮氧化物——有可能引起与过早丧生涉及的呼吸系统疾病——是欧盟限定版标准的9到11倍。

But three of the commission’s 17 members said the published report did not include the full details of their findings, including the fact that a NOx “trap” in the Renault Captur went into overdrive when the sport utility vehicle was prepared for emissions testing but not during normal driving conditions.但是,由17人构成的该委员会的3名成员回应,这份发布的报告并不包括他们调查结果的全部细节,其中遗漏的一项事实还包括,当雷诺Captur打算拒绝接受废气检测(而非在长时间行经状态)时,这款SUV上的一个氮氧化物捕集器会肇事运转。It was discrepancies between on-road and in-laboratory NOx emissions that first tipped off US authorities that Volkswagen diesels had been installed with illegal “defeat devices” that cheated tests, triggering billions in fines and a criminal investigation.正是因为道路上与实验室中检测出有的氮氧化物废气之间的差异,让美国有关部门年所找到大众(Volkswagen)柴油车加装了愚弄尾气检测的非法的“减效装置”,造成后者被罚数十亿美元并拒绝接受刑事调查。

The French commission members said they had no evidence that Renault was using similar devices, arguing only that further investigations were needed to find out why the cars performed differently during testing. But the omissions have led members to fear the government may be too lenient because of its 20 per cent stake in the carmaker.上述法国调查委员会成员回应,他们没证据证明雷诺用于了类似于的装置,只回应还须要更进一步调查,以查明为什么这些车在检测时会有有所不同的展现出。但遗漏这些细节让这些成员担忧,法国政府有可能因其在雷诺享有20%的股份而对这家汽车制造商过分尊重。“The report was ultimately written by the state and they decided what would remain confidential,” said Charlotte Lepitre, an executive of France Nature Environnement, the umbrella group of French environmental groups, who sat on the commission.调查委员会成员之一、法国自然环境协会(France Nature Environnement)管理人员夏洛特纳皮特(Charlotte Lepitre)说道:“该报告最后由政府编写,他们要求哪些内容将之后保密。

”该协会是由法国各环保团体构成的伞形的组织。Renault denied using software to cheat emissions testing, saying its models “conform to the laws and norms in each market where they are sold”. Renault recalled 15,000 vehicles in January and has agreed to implement more robust de-polluting technologies as part of a wider “action plan”.雷诺坚称用于软件愚弄废气检测,称之为其车型“合乎任何在购市场的法律和规范”。今年1月,雷诺解任了1.5万辆汽车,并表示同意加装更为靠谱的排放量技术——作为一项更加普遍“行动计划”的一部分。

A French environment ministry official denied any intention to hide facts, saying the government incorporated the commission’s feedback when it consolidated comments from its various members. France’s independent fraud authority is also continuing an investigation into the carmaker’s practices.法国环境部一名官员坚称无意隐瞒事实,称之为法国政府在综合有所不同成员的意见后接纳了该委员会的对系统意见。法国独立国家的欺诈调查机构还在之后调查雷诺的不道德。

But a government official acknowledged the state’s special relationship with Renault, saying: “The government is sensitive to the brand image of the companies it has invested in.”但一位否认政府与雷诺不存在类似关系的政府官员回应:“法国政府对于其投资的企业的品牌形象十分脆弱。”Captur’s NOx trap purged five times in rapid succession at the end of scripted test preparations, allowing it to produce much lower emissions than on the road, said commission members, several of whom asked for anonymity. This suggested the car’s software could have detected a test was being performed, they said. “Everything in a car is controlled by software now,” said one member. “We can’t be sure that Renault’s software detected the test [like VW’s] per se, but it seems that Renault has optimised the NOx filter to target this very specific set of conditions.”该委员会成员(其中几名拒绝电子邮件)回应,在按脚本展开的检测打算完结时,雷诺Captur的氮氧化物捉集器较慢倒数净化了5次,使其产生废气比在路上行经时较低得多。这或许指出,该车的软件可以找到正在展开检测,他们说道。




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