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澳门尼威斯人516_苹果第三季度财报要点 iPhone销量提升收入偏低
作者:澳门尼威斯人516    日期:2024-03-16    阅读( )
本文摘要:Apple increased its profits on improved iPhone sales in its recently-ended third quarter, but the company’s reported revenue fell short of Wall Street’s expectations.在刚完结的第三财季,凭借iPhone手机销量的下跌,苹果公司(Apple)利润减少,但收益却未超过华尔街的预期。

Apple increased its profits on improved iPhone sales in its recently-ended third quarter, but the company’s reported revenue fell short of Wall Street’s expectations.在刚完结的第三财季,凭借iPhone手机销量的下跌,苹果公司(Apple)利润减少,但收益却未超过华尔街的预期。Releasing its latest quarterly results on Tuesday, Apple reported a 12.2% year-over-year increase in profits to $7.7 billion, or $1.28 per share. Analysts had predicted $1.23 per share, according to information compiled by Bloomberg. Apple’s earnings per share (EPS) grew by 19.6% over last year’s numbers when the company’s June 7-to-1 share split is taken into account.据本周二苹果公布的近期季度财报表明,公司利润同比下跌12.2%,超过77亿美元,合每股1.28美元。

彭博社(Bloomberg)综合消息称之为,分析师此前预测摊平后的每股利润为1.23美元。如果将苹果6月份的一比七拆股计划考虑到在内,公司每股收益率比去年同期提升了19.6%。Apple’s third-quarter revenue grew 6% to $37.4 billion, falling just short of Wall Street’s prediction of $38 billion. Apple had expected revenues to land between $36 billion and $38 billion for the third quarter after sales hit $35.3 billion during the same period last year. Compared with this year’s second quarter, Apple’s revenue was down nearly 18%.苹果第三财季收益快速增长了6%,超过374亿美元,略低于华尔街380亿美元的预期。

去年同期,苹果公司销售额超过353亿美元,因此苹果曾预测,公司第三季度的收益将在360亿美元至380亿美元之间。与今年第二季度比起,苹果第三季度的收益增加了大约18%。In announcing the results, CEO Tim Cook attributed areas of growth to strong product sales. “Our record June quarter revenue was fueled by strong sales of iPhone and Mac and the continued growth of revenue from the Apple ecosystem, driving our highest EPS growth rate in seven quarters,” Cook said in a statement.在发布结果时,苹果CEO蒂姆o库克将快速增长归咎于产品销量的强势快速增长。

库克回应:“苹果第三财季创纪录的收益,归功于iPhone手机和Mac电脑的强势展现出,以及苹果生态系统营收的持续增长,从而推展每股收益率超过七个季度以来的最低水平。”The company sold 35.2 million iPhones last quarter, 12.6% more than the same quarter in 2013, while the number of iPads sold declined 9% to 13.2 million. Meanwhile, sales totals for both products were down 19% each compared with the previous quarter.苹果上一个财季的iPhone手机销量为3,520万部,比2013年同期快速增长了12.6%,iPad销量增加了9%,上升至1,320万台。而与上一个季度比起,两款产品的销量皆下降了19%。

Apple’s product sales often drop off to some degree during the summer as customers wait for new products to be announced in the fall. The announcement of Apple’s next smartphone, the iPhone 6, has been eagerly awaited as rumors have swirled over everything from the kind of glass that could be used on the phone to whether or not the company will release multiple larger-sized versions of the phone.而由于消费者正等待秋季的新产品公布,因此苹果产品销量在夏季往往不会经常出现类似于程度的下降。消费者对苹果下一代智能手机iPhone 6翘首以盼,现在经常出现了各种传言,比如手机所用于的玻璃,以及公司否不会发售多款大尺寸手机等等。Apple sold 4.4 million Macs last quarter, good for an 18% increase over last year and up 7% over the previous quarter.苹果Mac电脑第三财季的销量为440万台,比去年同期快速增长了18%,比第二财季快速增长了7%。

The company also announced a cash dividend of 47 cents that will go to shareholders on August 14.此外,公司宣告将于8月14日向股东发放每股47美分的现金收益。For the fourth quarter, Apple expects revenue between $37 billion and $40 billion. The company’s stock closed Tuesday up 0.8%, but dropped slightly in after-hours trading.对于第四季度,苹果公司预计收益将在370亿美元至400亿美元之间。




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